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Course Reserves

Policies and access information for reserve items

What are Course Reserves?

Course reserves are textbooks, media items, or other course materials, that are set aside for use in the library. Items can be added to the reserve collection by DCC faculty or by the Ritz Library. Many, but not all, required textbooks are available in the reserve collection. 

Reserve items must be used in the library so that all students can access the materials throughout the semester.

Borrowing Policy

Reserve items may be checked out for one hour at a time for use in the library. Reserve items cannot be renewed or removed from the library. 

Violations of the reserve policy or damage to reserve materials can result in library fees, and possible suspension of library privileges. 

How to Borrow a Reserve Textbook

Reserve textbooks are organized by title at the Circulation Desk. Present your DCC ID Card and ask for the textbook by title. You can borrow one reserve textbook at a time for use in the library for one hour. 

If you do not know the title of the book, you can search for it in the following ways.

1. Check the course syllabus for textbook information. 


2. Browse the reserves binder at the Circulation Desk. 


3. Search course reserves in RitzDiscovery with the course code (for example, BIO 131) or part of the course name.

Course Reserves in Primo 



4. Ask for assistance at the Circulation Desk.

Reserve Collection

The reserve collection includes: 

  • Selected textbooks & library books
  • DVD players
  • DVD collection
  • Headphones
  • iPods
  • Model skull
  • VHS collection

For accessibility concerns about the library website, please contact Tina Kiernan.