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Your guide for resources related to engineering studies.

Searching the Catalog

  1. Create a list of broad and narrow keywords for your topic. If you need keyword ideas, use a thesaurus or an encyclopedia (see Getting Started with Research).
  2. Check your spelling!
  3. Search using just keywords. Don't type sentences. Use only 2 or 3 keywords at a time.
  4.  Use  AND, OR, NOT between keyword
  • AND - all results will have ALL words
  • OR - results will contain EITHER one word OR the other
  • NOT - results will NOT contain a particular word

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Browsing the Stacks

Dewey Decimal call numbers for subject related browsing:

333.79 Energy
510 Mathematics
519 Probabilities and applied mathematics
620 Engineering and allied operations
621 Computer engineering
623 Military and nautical engineering
624 Civil engineering
625 Engineering of railroads and roads
627 Hydraulic engineering
628 Sanitary and municipal engineering
629 Other branches of engineering
660 Chemical engineering
662 Explosives, fuels and related products
690 Buildings and construction
720 Architecture

For accessibility concerns about the library website, please contact Tina Kiernan.