If any of your courses require research, your students can benefit from an information literacy session.
What kind of instruction is offered?
We offer the following standard programs in information literacy:
- Library tours
- librarian led walk around the library
- self led tour using a fillable zine
- "An Introduction to Ritz Library Services & Resources" (including RitzDiscovery Searches and the Ritz Research Guides)
- "Peer to Peer Activity" is a student interactive introduction to different library sources
- "Smarter Internet Searching" focuses on effective techniques when using the open Internet for scholarly research
- "The Library, The Internet and You" (combo class includes main ideas from "An Introduction" and "Smarter Internet")
- "Jeopardy - Ritz Library Edition" is a game-based alternative to the combo class above
- APA Citations
- MLA Citations
Programs can be tailored to a particular discipline or subject. We can focus our instruction on your course or even a specific assignment.
Where is library instruction given and how long are programs?
Programs are usually held at the Library's classroom in Room H224, but we can also use your classroom or a lab. Programs are usually 50 minutes long, but can be adjusted to your needs.
Do you teach library instruction programs at DCC @ Fishkill?
Information literacy programs can be scheduled for any off campus locations, including DCC @ Fishkill.
I have a 6:30 pm class. Can you provide instruction at night ?
Yes. We will do programs whenever there is a class.
What if I just want to bring a class in to use the library?
Call x8634 or email Reference to ensure that another class is not already scheduled to use the facilities.
How do I schedule a program?
You can use the online form on the orientations tab of this research guide, email Reference Desk, call x8634, or stop by the Reference desk to schedule an information literacy session. Requests for programs should be made at least two weeks prior to the program date. Classes are booked in the order they are received, so please book early.
Do I have to attend the program?
No, but instructors are strongly encouraged to be at the programs. Keep in mind that library staff will not take attendance.
Is there anything you need before the program?
A copy of the assignment your students will be working on should be sent to us ahead of the time so we will know what to cover.