How to request digital journal articles
If you are unable to find an article that you want in RitzDiscovery, follow these steps:
1. Click on "Expand results to include items without full text", which can be found in the upper left side of the screen.

2. When you find a title you want, make sure you are signed in to your library account, using your myDCC info. You must be signed in if you want to request items from outside DCC.

3. Under the item's title and other information, follow the prompt that says "No online access -- Click Here for Additional Details".

4. On the next page, click Request from Another Library.

5. A Resource Sharing form will pop up, prefilled with the necessary information. Scroll to the bottom of the form and click Send Request. Your request will be forwarded to SUNY for fulfillment.
6. If another SUNY library has the article, they will send it to your sunydutchess email account, typically within 24-48 hours. A download link to the article is also available through your library card account.
7. If none of the SUNY libraries have that article, your request will be forwarded to ILLiad Interlibrary Loan, to see if there is a library outside of SUNY that would be willing to share the item. If an article can only be borrowed through ILLiad, you will be notified by email with further instructions. You can check the status of your article request through your ILLiad account.