How to request books
If you are unable to find a book using our default RitzDiscovery search, follow these steps:
1. Click on the dropdown arrow next to Everything DCC.

2. Change the search scope to SUNY Catalog. This enables you to search across all the libraries in the statewide SUNY system.

3. If you still don't find the book, try changing the scope to search Worldcat.
4. When you find the title you want, make sure you are signed in to your library account, using your myDCC info. You must be signed in if you want to request items from outside DCC.

5. Follow the prompts by clicking on Check for Available Services and then Request from Another Library.
6. A Resource Sharing request form will pop up, prefilled with the necessary information. Check the details and click Send Request. Your request will be forwarded to SUNY for fulfillment.
7. If none of the SUNY libraries are able or willing to lend out the book, your request will be forwarded to Worldshare Interlibrary Loan, to see if there is a library outside of SUNY that would be willing to share the item.
8. Book requests through SUNY Resource Sharing or interlibrary loan typically take about 1 week to fill.
9. You can log into your library account to check on the status of your book request.
If you cannot find the book you wanted, be sure to check that you have the exact title. If anything is misspelled or if you include any words that are not in the exact title, the search won't work! If you still can't find what you want, ask a librarian for help using the chat widget on the right hand side of the RitzDiscovery screen.